About Beverly, Inman-Ebel
Award-winning TLC provides customized seminars, executive coaching, meeting facilitation, and keynote speaking. Materials include books, workbooks, profiles and other learning materials that help people become more dynamic leaders through effective communication. Beverly is the founder and CEO of this 39-year-old company.
Media Recognition
For her work, she has received national coverage in:
ABC World News Tonight
Success Magazine
The Wall Street Journal
USA Today
And numerous trade and business magazines
Beverly’s newest book, The Bill of Responsibilities - The Missing Sequel to the Bill of Rights (Talic Press 2020) is a must read to facilitate conversations with people who have strong opposing opinions. Beverly is the author of Talk Is NOT Cheap! Saving the High Cost of Misunderstanding at Work and Home (Bard Press, 1999) and co-author of Real World Communication Strategies that Work (Insight Publishing; 2003); and Success Is a Decision of the Mind (Insight Publishing; 2004). She is also the author of over 500 articles published nationally.
Awards, Honors, and Service
Beverly was a founding board member of NEWWW, Network of Entrepreneurs Women World Wide, based in Paris, France. She is President of Jan Pennington Gray Harp Scholarship Fund, a national organization promoting harpists. Beverly served a three-year federal appointment on the National Women’s Business Council from 2007-2010. She was the 2004-2005 National President for the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO). Beverly was named “International Woman Entrepreneur of the Year” (2004-2006) by FCEM, an international organization with members from 60 countries. Other awards include “Unbought and Unbossed” from Girls, Inc. 2008, “Small Business of the Year” from her local chamber, “Jane Cozby Henderson – Woman of Achievement”, and the “Public Information Exchange” from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
She served on national advisory boards including Wells Fargo and The Center for Women Business Research in NYC. Both the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations have invited Beverly to The White House. March 2004, she was a guest with the Executive Deputy of the Small Business Administration on an international web cast sponsored by the National Women’s Council. From 1996-1999, Beverly served on the Tennessee Governor’s Task Force for Women Businesses. In her home community, Beverly has donated her time to Boy Scouts of America, NAWBO, Children & Adults with Attention Disorders, The American Diabetes Association, Tennessee Valley Wild Ones ( former Board Member), Jan Pennington Gray Harp Fund (as President of the foundation), and her church.
Educational Background
Beverly received an MA in Speech Pathology and a BS degree in Speech and Hearing Science with high honors from the University of Tennessee. Before receiving the award of "An Outstanding Clinician", she was very active in forensic tournaments at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, and won numerous speech contests including persuasive, humorous, broadcast, and impromptu categories. She is certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, National Institute of Myo-Functional Therapy, and is a licensed Speech Pathologist.